“ Don't let your indecision Take you from behind” (Andy Hill and John Danter 1981) As for the second picture – geddit? I have just, spent a morning with one of my care workers. At the end of each week, he is required to complete and submit to his employers, a document containing the answers to some pro-forma questions. One of these, is a statement of any examples of independent decision making , on my part. Being the cynic that I am, for a long time, I considered decision making, by myself, to be an irrelevant thing to identify. For me, I felt that the issue wasn’t so much about my ability to decide – more about whether the decision itself is appropriate. Over the last couple of days, I have pondered the issue a little and have reached the (probably obvious!) conclusion that in many circumstances, this question is not pointless. Some of our abilities, might look straightforward, but on close...
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