If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well ... but not necessarily, right now ! The motivation for this post, was a realisation that, at 9.00am this morning, I had, already: · completed a full workout with weights · prepared my evening meal · organised my, forthcoming, book club Zoom meeting and · started thinking about this post! As I have frequently said, a full and worthwhile lifestyle is of great importance, to my mental health – but was it appropriate to have done all of this, before breakfast? Almost certainly not – and I’ll come back to that in a moment. But first: Cognitive issues arising from my broken brain, include, so called executive dysfunction . This means that I find planning and organisation to be rather difficult. For that reason, I f...
Showing posts from May, 2021
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Project managers in hell .... Not that it matters, in the least, but “PDUs” (their apostrophe is redundant!) is project management speak – “Professional Development Units”. Formally, learning to take personal responsibility, certainly has the scope to constitute a PDU. If you think that this is, a typical digression – think again! A key theme of this post is project management. A spot of project manager jargon is therefore, not entirely off topic! As you will have gathered, I’ve developed a pretty active lifestyle . Most of its contents though, are activities, which are undertaken with some regularity – be they leisure pursuits, or otherwise. I do however, like to have some larger projects on the go, which have a defined and achievable objective. I have found that in many (most?) instances, my substantial projects (I’ll just call them “ project(s) ” from now on) do benefit from proper management . By this, I mean steps such as th...
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Saturday was of course, May Day. Perhaps needless to say, I didn’t partake of any maypole dancing! In addition to a celebration of an imminent summer, it was also International Workers’ Day – and this prompted a few slightly regretful thoughts ... With advance apologies, I’m afraid that this post isn’t as upbeat as many of the others. In truth though, I don’t feel too positive, all of the time, and I am keen to paint a balanced picture. The dawning of International Workers’ Day brought (to some extent) into focus a “loss” that I have suffered, by virtue of a transformation to Phil v2.0 – namely the fact that I am no longer able to engage in any remunerated employment. I know that I have said on many occasions that losses can often be re-cast as opportunities . This is most definitely true in the case of my “retirement”. No longer going out to work, has freed up vast amounts of time in which to engage in...