I had every intention of using this post, for some quasi-philosophical ramblings, based upon an idea of Plato’s (and taken up, allegorically, by CS Lewis). Things have however become rather taken over, by a recent event, which is of much more, immediate importance to me. “Phew”, I hear you say! As I have mentioned in other posts, I am now, partially sighted and walk with a white cane. If that (and everything else!) isn’t enough , I awoke recently, with virtually no hearing! Deaf as a post Despite spending many hours at my local hospital, I remain none the wiser, as to what caused it. In the absence of any other explanation, I can only assume that it is a delayed consequence of bumping my head. What I do know though, is that rather than pure hearing loss, it is severe tinnitus. This means that certain background noises, are amplified to such an unusual and inconvenient (and sometimes, painful) extent, as to ...
Showing posts from March, 2023