“... his wife could eat no lean ...”
For reasons that I hope, will become apparent, this title and picture (believe it or not), is actually, of some relevance!
What I am concerned with today, is really just an extension of last week’s topic. In that post, I talked about an application of flexibility, in the selection of a course of action. In this one, I am looking at the related issue of flexibility in the way that I think about things. As you know, Phil v2.0 has a tendency to see the dark side of matters, to the exclusion of brighter interpretations (or other possible and more positive thoughts). This is really just a “note to self” - “get working on this ...”
Returning to Mr and Mrs Sprat:
Irrespective of any health issues, perhaps Jack Sprat and his wife ought to have thought about their dietary incompatibility, before getting married - it certainly has scope for matrimonial strife!
Don’t forget the rest of the rhyme ...
Looking at it more positively, their respective, views avoid unnecessary waste - and the financial security that this would have brought about, might have eased any other marital tensions!
Two ways of looking at their situation, with completely different outcomes.
... “till death do us part” might however, have greater significance, if she reviewed her eating habits!
Anyway ...
All I am saying here, is that there is often more than one way of looking at things and a negative conclusion might be counterbalanced (or more) by a positive one.
There is an “other side of the coin” issue where a single thing, can be viewed in opposing ways. Mr and Mrs Sprat’s relationship of course, provides an example.
I have talked in earlier posts, about the importance to me, of seeking to reframe losses as opportunities - a more serious, case in point.
I also believe that this kind of strategy can be widened ... Let me give you an example:
Stood at my back door, this morning, I noticed that the garden looked a real mess - and this didn’t fill me with much joy (to say the least)!
On reflection though, this doesn’t apply to everything about it. Bulbs are sprouting and vegetables will soon be planted. It is rather too easy for me to see things that fall within a category (here, my garden) as being all bad, when this is not actually, the case. Yes, some things will require unwanted toil, but others won’t!
I can’t go so far as to say that everything in the garden can be viewed in an alternative and positive way (unless I actually, wanted a wholly “wild” space!). I can however try to see that things aren’t actually as bad, as they might have struck me as being - another, alternative way of looking at them.
In any event, weeding and other tidying, might turn out to be fun!
Finally, for today, alternative and positive thought can be applied even if it doesn’t relate to the “problem” in hand. Why should I fret about a few hours of gardening, when I am due to become a grandfather, any day now? I need to get matters more, in proportion and think about things in a more appropriate manner!