Today, I’m going to say a few words about loss

 “Oh, here he goes again - Listen to Mr. Miserable.” 

 On the contrary, though. This (short!) one is actually, quite upbeat! 

 Phil v2.0, has had a tendency to focus on his apparent, losses and to grieve for Phil v1.0.

 Sometimes, he has considered life to be made up of little more than, a long list of things that he no longer possesses, nor can undertake.


 Let’s step back for a moment - are things really quite as bad as they sometimes seem to be, in this respect?

 On reflection - no!

 I think that there are, at least two reasons for this. First:


·      All is not lost ...

             Phil v2.0 is not the same as Phil v1.0, but it is only the version number, that has changed. 

              The word “Phil” remains.  

There is quite a bit, left over from the “old days”.For example, many of my pre-accident leisure interests remain in place.

In some instances, my present, situation renders a degree of adaptation to be necessary or desirable, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say that any such alteration, amounts to a loss.

 A much more important example concerns my current familial arrangements.

 I no longer live with my family, but they are still my family (and a loving, supportive and nearby one, at that!).

 In no way, have I lost my family! I have just had to accept an adaptation of our living arrangements.

 In many other respects, things have changed but different isn’t necessarily worse and just because something has been altered, it would, in so very many instances, be going too far, to describe it as having been lost!

 Edgar Allan Poe got it quite right - “... all is not lost.”

And we can add to that:


·      And some things have been gained ...


             I must never forget that losses can sometime be reframed as opportunities.


To provide a further example:


I can no longer practice as a lawyer, but this has been compensated by the receipt of a lot more available time.


As you will have gathered (and will I hope, continue to gather) from this blog, a full and worthwhile lifestyle (andbeing one which is achievable by and best suited, to Phil v2.0) is of enormous importance to me.


            I now have the time to build this new lifestyle and the process is well in hand.


In terms of the pure pleasure that it generates, my current (and prospective) lifestyle looks like a significant improvement, on a time consuming, intellectually stretching and sometimes, stressful job!


I would call that a gain

Going back to “all is not lost” - I do of course, remain highly attractive!

And, as for “some things have been gained” - I have just utilised some newly available time to read a book and to work out with weights - an enhancement of both brain and brawn!

So perhaps I am now, even more irresistible - and that is definitely a gain!



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