Sorry – my mind’s gone blank ...
Both my long and short-term memory has been significantly and adversely affected.
Regarding the former, I now have some very large empty spaces. For example, I no longer have any recollection of my youngest son being born.
A major source of memory related distress is a loss of what should be, happy memories. I have little recollection of my children growing up and this includes family holidays/days out and birthdays etc. I find it very hard to remember how they liked to spend their time and who their close friends were. I can’t even recall the dates of their birthdays!
More generally and beyond that, I firmly believe that we are shaped by our experiences. I can’t help but sometimes feel, that their elimination through my accident, amounts to theft of a part of me.
From a practical perspective, I have needed (and to an extent, continue to need) to re-learn many things. For example, I am told (I can’t remember it happening) that, among other things, an occupational therapist had to show me how to shop, again.
Re-learning such “activities of daily living” (OT speak) isn’t the end of it. I have also had to learn again, the pursuit of some leisure activities. For example, I now play some of the musical instruments that were a source of pleasure to Phil 1.0 (or more accurately, Phil v1.?). In many cases, I have had to start learning them again, from a very low level (or maybe I was always a bit useless, at playing them!)
It’s not just memory loss as such. In so far as I have memories, I am told that some of these are flawed – I can misremember.
A big issue for me with flawed memory, concerns emotional memories. I find it far from easy to re-learn liking and love (and of course, the contrary!).
It also causes me some problems, from a social perspective – friends tend to speak reminiscently. An absence of shared recollection means, that I often don’t enjoy such conversations, very much.
My short-term memory is also flawed, and this necessitates the need for very many written reminders.
So – what can be done about it?
I am gradually learning that a good strategy, is an enhanced focus on the future. Memories are necessarily concerned with the past and looking forward rather than backwards, seems to be a better approach for me.
I have lost memories, but should focus more, on the creation of new memories.
I think I do need, more than just the “creation” of new memories. I, also need to retain them.
A good way of doing this, is through the keeping of written/pictorial record.
I guess that this blog is a good example of the former.
And here’s an example of a reminder of what my grandson looked like at 10 weeks – everybody say “ahhh”.
But anyway, memory loss isn’t, always all that bad - there are some things that we would rather not remember!