Liverpool had a Fab Four  

And now, Stockport has got one ... 


... including me!


Before I get onto the Stockport Fab Four, here’s l a little background ...


Throughout much of my working life, I frequently sought (and was, often rewarded with) different kinds of managerial, or other organisational roles. Whenever possible and appropriate, I liked to undertake a leadership function. Being more than a follower, was something that I relished, and it was a source of pride.


This organisational trait, also spilled out into non-vocational aspects of my life.


It has been rather upsetting to feel that Phil v2.0 will never be able to take on any such roles again. 


On positive reflection though, my days of organising are not over!


I have been involved with my local branch of Headway (a national charity, for the benefit of the brain injured) since quite soon after the accident.


At first, this wasn’t easy for me. I tried to attend, as a service user, at several its regular “drop-in” sessions. Although I don’t remember them much (actually, hardly at all!), I understand that I found them too hard to handle, and stopped attending, for quite a long time. In more recent years, I have re-attended and have found these sessions to be enjoyable and helpful.  


Things then moved on, and at an AGM, a year or so ago, I was made a member of my branch’s organising committee. 


I have arranged some lockdown activities, for our service users - quizzes and concerts. 


A much more significant organisational activity though, involves our very own Fab Four.


Four committee members (including me), have formed a sub-committee and a “virtual” meeting of it, provided the motivation for this post.


Our original remit was, to identify, pursue and effect fundraising opportunities. In this regard, I have examined in some detail, the eligibility criteria imposed by, several grant awarding bodies. This role has now been expanded and the Fab Four are also looking into the issue of volunteer recruitment. 


Sounds like organisation, to me!


Perhaps needless to say, but I feel that my membership of the Fab Four is the sort of thing that I want to be doing - it is more reflective of my previous life, than just sitting around and feeling sorry for myself.


Not at all like some earlier roles, but “different isn’t necessarily worse”!


And given my reduced capabilities, and the enjoyability of working with the Fab Four, different might well be a whole lot better!


The Stockport Fab Four, seem like a great bunch of folks, and after all


“... I get by with a little help from my friends”


(Lennon and McCartney 1967)


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