“Even children get older...
... And I’m getting older too”
(Stevie Nicks 1975)
I think that this picture should constitute a fair hint, as to the recent event that lies behind this post.
Last week, saw my eldest son’s graduation; with a first-class honours degree in acting, from one of the most prestigious drama schools in the world.
Referring to the initial quotation; this child is most definitely getting older (and wiser!).
And he’s not the only one...
My daughter lives in Yorkshire, with her partner and their little one:
Having a baby herself; I guess that she is, no longer a baby girl!
To add to that, on the recent graduation trip, my youngest took himself off, alone, to the National Gallery, and travelled (similarly, alone) by tube, to re-join us later.
This one is getting older, too!
So, why is this relevant, in a brain injury context?
As I’ve illustrated, the children are indeed, getting older.
Sadly though, my head bump has wiped clean very many memories, and so much of this ongoing process, is little more than a blank.
They have indeed got older, but how they have got there, is rather blurred!
Needless to say, an inability to remember, so much family history can be, a real source of distress!
In common with other posts, I guess that I should now, try to identify some positives and/or a proposed course of action, to mitigate the position...
At risk of stating the obvious, I might have lost many memories, but new, good ones are being created all the time. The recent arrival of a grandchild and his own upbringing are great examples.
The key for me though, is to do everything that I can, to hang onto these memories...
I try to collect and retain photographs. I also try to keep written records, to a certain extent.
Perhaps I should formalise this process, and make a list, every week, of good things that have happened in the previous 7 days, and review these lists with some regularity.
I should also reinforce new memories by talking with people, about their subject matter.
And finally, going back once again, to the quotation, it’s not just children that get older ...
“...I’m getting older too”!
If nothing else though, one advantage of becoming “a man of a certain age”, is watching how, their supreme individual efforts, are reaping vast rewards, for my children, as they have reached, or are reaching, adulthood!